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FREEDIVE ISRAEL - Freediving center in Eilat

A unique freediving and yoga school in Eilat that provides the complete experience for freedivers at all levels

לוגו חדש נורמלי.png

We believe that every new experience in life requires the best learning conditions.

Freediving is a sport that is based on high-level focus, relaxation, coordination, and practice.

This is why after diving all over the world, we chose to open our FREEDIVING school and sports club in the bay of the red sea in the city of EILAT.

What makes us so special?

We are the ONLY freediving school in Israel that has all the facilities that will make your experience the most enjoyable and amazing you can think of.

FREEDIVE ISRAEL is located in a beautiful and quiet Villa in the best neighborhood in Eilat and it's designed completely for freediving, yoga, and holistic and healthy lifestyle.

In the freediving school, you'll find a comfortable air-cond yoga studio and classes, coffee and tea corner, a swimming pool, hot showers, bathrooms, and changing rooms.

We are offering freediving courses and coached dives from shore or from a boat, yoga classes, ice baths, and breathing workshops.

?What do you get from us

  • maximum of 3 students per instructor - (the best teaching ratio, we believe in keeping it small  so you'll get the most attention from your instructor. 

  • the instructor will follow you the entire dive - all the way down and back up, correct your technique and give you instructions and tips to follow.

  • The best freediving gear in the market -  every student gets a professional freediving set that includes specialized freediving fins, a low volume mask, silicon weight belt, a carrying bag for all the gear, and a poncho. You'll feel the most comfortable in the water and after the dive. 

  • Transportation fron our freedivinf schoole to beach and back 

  • videos for each student  of the dives and an option for a professional photographer to capture your special moments under the water

  • world-recognized certification from APEA TOTAL freediving federation

  • online Study material  

  • the highest quality of freediving education

Above all, a place to grow and evolve as a freediver and a human being in the fast-growing freediving and breathers community in Israel.

of Apnea Total & AIDA
International Freediving organizations:

קורס צלילה חופשית מתקדם
קורס מאסטרים בצלילה חופשית
סדנאת עצירת נשימה בצלילה חופשית
קורס צלילה חופשית בסיסי
צלילת פאן עם באדי בים האדום
קורס מדריכי צלילה חופשית
קורס צלילה חופשית - יום היכרות
אימונים מודרכים בצלילה חופשית
ריטריט יוגה וצלילה חופשית

In one breath you experience the sea in its natural form.
In the silence that surrounds you, listening to the rhythm of the heartbeat slowing down.
The body learns to trust the experience and the mind is reminded of what it has always known.


Freediving in the Red Sea - Eilat  

Eilat – is the most southern and the only city located on the shores of the Red Sea in Israel and serves as a port city and tourism central.

The Red Sea is a pilgrimage destination from all over the world. The eternal summer, beautiful beaches, clear sea and spectacular diving sites make the Red Sea beaches a popular tourist destination. At the northern end of the Gulf of the Red Sea lies Eilat. The average depth in the Gulf is 900 meters below sea level and the maximum depth is 1,820 meters below sea level. Geologically, the Gulf of Eilat is part of the Syrian-African rift and hence its depth.

Eilat's sea conditions are the most comfortable you can ask for, with stunning visibility of 1 – 50 meters, breathtaking underwater landscapes, rich coral reefs and underwater sea life. The Red Sea Bay is elongated and narrow, which is why there are no waves and its perfect for freediving just like a real swimming pool!


קורס צלילה חופשית - צלילה חופשית ישראל

A natural way to enjoy the beauty of the depths of the sea

Some people consider free diving an extreme sport whose uniqueness is the deep serenity and tranquility that contrasts with all other types of extreme sports. For others it is a natural way to enjoy the beauty of the depths of the sea without any need for cumbersome, heavy and uncomfortable diving equipment, and some experience free diving as meditation and connection of body and mind.

Free diving serves as a basis for a variety of sports such as spearfishing, underwater photography, competitive diving and of course just plain relaxed and fun snorkeling.

The word apnea is derived from Greek, meaning "breathless".

Free diving is diving by only one breath without any use of breathing aids (such as a diving tank and a breathing system) however diving equipment such as a mask, weights and snorkel are sometimes used. The diver inhales air full of his lungs and deepens for as long a time as possible.

Contrary to initial intuition, this sport is safer than diving with breathing aids, and can dive to greater depths than diving with compressed air tanks.

צלילה חופשית באילת - קורס

We invite you to enjoy with us
From the amazing natural combination that the city has to offer: a quiet and powerful desert,
The Jordan Mountains change colors and rise in height, and calm blue water that cleanses us from the inside and the outside.

Diving Organization: Apnea Total
Is an international diving organization that promotes the world's leading learning system for free diving. Founded in 2004 on the island of Cao Tao, Thailand, dozens of free diving schools have been established around the world that teach APNEA TOTAL courses.

אנחנו מזמינים אתכם ליהנות איתנומהשילוב הטבעי המדהים שיש לעיר להציע:מדבר שקט ועוצמתי,הרי ירדן המחליפים צבעים ומתנשאים לגובה, ומים כחולים ושקטים שמנקים אותנו מבפנים ומבחוץ.


קורס צלילה חופשית ואימונים בצלילה חופשית

At FREEDIVE ISRAEL - EILAT we believe freediving is much more than a sport.


Freediving is a way of life and a way to discover who we really are.

After experiencing freediving on all levels around the world, learning, and teaching, participating in the highest level competitions as safety divers and competitors and absorbing all the knowledge. We decided that it will be so much better if we can share this amazing experience with as many people as possible.

Our super-vision is to develop a professional and supportive freediving community and to create a platform for all to thrive.


we teach freediving from the belief that:

  • everybody can dive

  • depth and time are not the targets but by-products of comfortability and connection to the breath, body and the aquatic environment (the more we connect and let go the deeper we go)

  • Freediving is enjoyable and fun, follow the basic rules of freediving, keep yourself and your friends safe.  

  • Freediving is therapeutic, be gentle and surrender to the breath and the water, this element has the capacity to surface all kinds of suppressed emotions, and by that to realize and heal ourselves from blockages, both physical and mental.

  • sharing the information for the benefit of the freediving community


For this reason we chose to teach APNEA TOTAL courses. An international freediving organization who believes that freediving isn't about depth, it's about self exploration and learning about oneself and the environment. 


FREEDIVE ISRAEL is dedicated to develop the freediving sport and freediving education in Israel in a way that combines a holistic lifestyle, yoga, meditation, sport, nutrition and more.



Watch us at the social media to get  to know us better!

  • Facebook
  • YouTube
  • Instagram
צרו קשר

Contact us :)

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Thank you for contacting us!

Where are we and how do we communicate with them?

Address: Pear Lane 25

Email Address:

Phone: 0555500576

Opening Hours -  

Arrival at the club is by appointment only:

Sunday-Thursday: 8: 30-18: 00

Friday: 8: 30-14: 00

Saturday: 8: 30-12: 00

A: We work together with 

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